Friday, April 4, 2008

Music of Gala

Do you see what I see? The Star of David dancing in the night. He arrived as an innocent baby boy and the powers of darkness as they might could not quench his life. Oh for the sake of our burdens God chose rejection, not obligation so that we could know life. Before his birth he already rose from the grave, not to stay but to reign. And there a great company of angelic beings appeared dancing and praising God. Redemption knocked on creation's door! The shepherds feared how awesome, and the angels danced for us. Hallelujah!

Do you hear what I hear, voices singing in the night. Rocks and trees, every kind of living thing, bringing all that is within up to Him, a glorious accolade. Let go and let God, with tears the world rebukes, flow into mysterious music. Prepare Him your hearts! Emmanuel, can You hear this song strong breaking physical bonds; thunder and earthquakes respond. Adore Him, for this is what belongs to us, our voices shouting the song of the redeemed. Hallelujah!

Do you know what I know, the Name of the Lord is our strong Tower. His healing love is the power to live righteous in faith. Mighty God, Everlasting Father, worthy are You to receive strength and honor! We will carry the royal banner through fields of sorrow where seeds once sown in pain, tomorrow yield joyful testimonies of the Lamb who was slain.

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