Friday, April 4, 2008

The Earth Is Groaning

Is this what this life's about?
Beaten wounded full of doubt?

Bruised from the plowing our toiling hands
Brought to grief greed cannot relief
The senseless wars between our lands
Born of money its evil deceit

Lifeless living no loving others
All crying ceaseless without cause
Waking selfish hating brothers
A speechless yearning oh please dear God

And we breathe this life void of fullness
Where nights draw long and longer still
Bringing to bear bodies fruitless
Sweating bleeding from the harvest mill

For the earth is dying noisome reeking
I hear her groaning in the night
Breathing screeching reaping weeping
Forever longing to see God's light

Oh my God, what can we say?
What can we say but oh my God?

Christ is the song, He is the story
That we should know His blessedness
Oh for His love, oh for His glory
The intimacy of forgiveness

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