Friday, April 4, 2008


Living a life of gratitude, exhibiting the attitude that takes no offense towards an ever defensive world. It isn't apathy in the midst of life's calamity, but open handed acceptance in every single instance to toil what is before you without a longing grieving spirit. Quite actually, harboring feelings of lacking competes against the sovereignty that God is just in giving just how He pleases. Not to suppress the humanity of us all, because the heart wants exactly what it wants. Our humanness must remain. It holds though that no person is right to bring accusations upon the only supreme King. Living a life of gratitude is the characteristic attitude of receiving everything and counting it as joy, instead of believing that life is for the taking, attempting to reap the worlds claim of personal rights. So learn to live in gratefulness, Life is not to own, and give it back in thankfulness to Christ the King alone. Happy Thanks Giving!

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